Monday, May 24, 2010

A Thank You Letter For the Plato Tour

Sarah, Susan and the Entire Plato family,

Words can't tell you what a magnificent field trip you planned for all of us. It was DELUXE all the way from the coach ride with treats. The Plato factory is amazing. It made the projects come alive for me.

They did such a nice job breaking us into groups so that everyone could see and hear at each station. I think it is great they are now labeling their various distressing techniques. It will make it easier to specify in the future.

The tour of Karl & Melissa’s home was relaxed and exciting all at once. Susan you did an excellent job integrating all the cabinet styles and "bells and whistles" that can be done with today's cabinets. The kitchen was special with the variety of styles, finishes and colors. You pulled it all together flawlessly. The homemade cooked meal served on china was a treat. Every bite was delicious.

Tangle Wood Garden's nursery is a place Jan Goldsmith would die for. It was always her dream to create through plants. I have already told her about the entire wonderful day.

Thank you again for including me in this once in a lifetime experience.

Would you please forward the Plato family's name and business email as I would like to drop them a line too? Include the wife and mother's name too as they worked so hard for us all.

Hopefully I can get a good job for us in the future and we can put into use all that I learned.

Deborah Wegener

Deborah Wegner Interiors

Monday, May 3, 2010

Grand Rapids Cabin Becomes a Home Away from Home

We'd like to share this Before & After project of a kitchen that Susan Palmquist recently completed for a client's cabin in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The client also just shared their comments with Susan which is noted below.

Hi Susan -
Gail and I want to let you know, again, how much we like and enjoy the kitchen you designed for us. We just returned to Grand Rapids this past week and it was a pleasure to see it (not to mention that it was a pleasure not to have to move all of our stuff back into the living room and kitchen this year).
Thanks again!