Originally the light output of the small individual “diode” (LED lamp, or bulb) was much less than incandescent, florescent or halogen light sources. But now the diodes have a much higher Lumen output so the LED light fixtures can easily replace traditional fixtures. Oh, you may be wondering what lumen means? Lumen is a unit of measure of the power of light perceived by the human eye. And that’s as technical as we’re going to get for this Blog.
So why woul

And there’s no question that LED lights will use a fraction of the power used by standard incandescent bulbs to produce the same amount of light. But some wonder if more energy is needed to produce an LED lamp or fixture than the equivalent amount for a regular light bulb? Well according to the researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, the answer is NO! LED lights cost less to manufacture and they use less energy to run.
Carnegie Mellon calculated the amount of energy needed to manufacture and then run a light source for 25,000 hours. The results: the energy needed for one of these light sources ranged from 1,500 kilowatt-hours for the standard incandescent bulbs to 320 kWh for the compact fluorescent and 280 kWh for the LED light source. You can get more information about this study by going to the University’s website at http://www.cit.cmu.edu/media/press/2009/06_09_epp_lighting.html
OK, so the lights last longer, and are actually more energy efficient. What else? LED lights are much cooler and generate virtually no heat. Anyone who’s ever stored chocolate on the bottom shelf of a cabinet with a halogen undercabinet light below will know why that’s important. Even fluorescent lights give off heat, but halogen is the worst. Many years ago my first experience with halogen lighting was trying to remove a halogen bulb that had just burned out. I knew it might be “warm” but I didn’t expect to get burned! Literally.
One complaint a

Another complaint about LED lights is the upfront cost for the fixtures and lamps. The fixtures are expensive, but the cost is coming down. And when you amortize the cost over a 20 year span there is always going to be a cost savings with LED lights. You don’t have to take my word for it, go to http://eartheasy.com/live_energyeff_lighting.htm to see comparisons over a ten year span in a commercial building. So in the long run LED lights will actually cost you less money. Even over fluorescent lights.
LED lights are the wave of the future so if you’re looking for the light at the end of the tunnel you better let us LED the way for you!!